Our Billing Policies...

What are we about? Simply put, skilled work at reasonable rates. We set our rates based on what feels fair to everybody, including our clients.  We think that the long-term model makes more sense for everyone, and we hope you agree.  We just want things to work out and we try to set a welcoming tone to our business relationship.

Here's our billing policy, all cards face up on the table. Read it carefully and compare it to other consulting firms:

  • Rates: Our rates are intentionally below average for what we do. We're happy to provide as much or as little help as you think you need. Our goal is to build a long term relationship; the only way that will happen is if we leave you feeling fairly treated. 
  • Initial Visits: No charge. We both have to feel comfortable, so first visits are always exploratory. We view our first visit as a chance to get to know you and your situation, and equally important, for you to get to know us. If it doesn't feel like a good fit for us, we'll tell you and help you find someone else better suited to your needs.   
  • Fixed Pricing: In fairness to all concerned, we bill time actually spent and will invoice on a fixed price basis only if you prefer it. While some folks like the predictability of fixed pricing, we recommend against it because in most cases, you pay more for development than you have to. Think about it: doesn't a fixed price estimate necessarily include a "fudge factor" to allow for unforseen problems? It has to. We view estimates for what they are: our best estimate based on a good faith assessment of a problem. We'll let you know as work progresses if anything new comes up that will impact our estimate.
  • Travel: We aren't exclusive to the Denver area. For local stuff, we generally don't charge for travel within a reasonable distance from our offices, and when we do travel out of town, we re-invoice for reasonable and customary out of pocket expenses or a reasonable per diem, whichever you prefer. The operative phrase is "reasonable and necessary", so if you're a long way from Denver, we'll talk about it at our first meeting on an exception basis.